Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Times, they are a changin'

Well, what a weekend. Our family threw us one heck of a party! It was like a Jack and Jill / Shower combo! My Mom should be a party planner. We had a ton of friends and family. Their generosity was overwhelming! Thanks to each and everyone of you for making our weekend so special.
I have said a million times that we have the best family and friends and we are surrounded by such a good support system! This weekend confirmed this once again. Everyone came in a good mood and ready to have a great time. Boy did we!
Thanks to everyone for all of their help and gifts! You are all so appreciated!
Also, today is my last day of work... wow!
I am on vacation for a couple of weeks and then I start parental leave! Wow! I never ever thought that this day would come! I am so excited... kinda of shell shocked too!
Kyle and I have also decided that I will not return to work! Awhile ago, separation packages were offered. I took the opportunity when it presented itself and haven't looked back since. It was always the plan to work closer from home when Lauryn was home.
So, I am mixed with mixed emotions today. I say goodbye to a career that I loved and was rewarding and fulfilling and certainly kept me busy!
I am also saying goodbye to a fabulous group of people that are more like family then friends! I know we will be part of each others lives for a long time!
The next chapter is beginning! I can't believe it.
I feel ready... although nervous and anxious and a bit scared!
We have been waiting for this for so long and now it's right around the corner!
Here we go...
Keep Happy!


Lorraine Jim (aka Nana Papa) said...

Change is good Grasshopper!
In spite of the many times you thought this would never happen, it is! Thank Goodness!
We so look forward to watching you and Kyle love and nurture this sweet child and are so excited to be a part of it all.
Please hurry home...we'll be waiting...

Adrian Roberta said...

Sounds like a wonderfull day, congratulations. Try to find a good 'mom's group' that can encourage you as you make this Stay at home Mom decion. Have fun!!!

Krista said...

Oh yes - yeah for such a wonderful new chapter in your lives! I hope you are able to make post updates while you are in country! Have a safe trip!!