Thursday, April 29, 2010

And the beat goes on...

Don't you find it funny... when you are waiting for something huge to happen. Some date, or a party, the world just keeps on going... does the world not realize that we leave in like 24 days to pick up our DAUGHTER! Jeesh...
Anyways, it's been awhile since I have had any time to post! Although there isn't much to tell. We hare happily preparing for our trip to China. Kyle and I are both a little freaked out, nervous, excited, scared, overwhelmed and extremely excited!We are surrounded with so much love and support, it's crazy! Some people are truly as excited as we are. Kyle has become MISTER fix it! To know Kyle (and to love Kyle) you need to understand how NOT handy he is. I am not writing anything that he doesn't know to be true! He does not have a "fix it" bone... never has. Over the years I have come to appreciate Kyle's clumsy, spastic attempts at fixing things... that's what the yellow pages are for... right? Well in the last little while, Kyle has fixed a window, changed a VERY high up outdoor light bulb, gotten rid of birds that were building nests in our vents (thankfully no eggs yet!!!) These birds were building nests in our vents from our house to the outside... we could hear them in the walls!!. Kyle has also washed our outside windows, changed the handle on a stubborn toilet that kept running, and CHANGED OUR KITCHEN TAPS! I know! Amazing!Couldn't' get over it.We have had lengthy discussions about Lauryn. She is just so precious. I have organized all her doctors visits for when she is home. I can't wait to get her all set up.One thing that is stressing me out totally is that we are still waiting for her citizenship part one application to be processed. We can't travel without this... makes me nervous. The call centre reps thinks I am nuts! I have called at least 6 times, and have also sent a letter with a copy of our e-tickets as proof we leave on May 22nd. Getting nervous about this one.I am wrapping things up at work. 12 more days until my vacation starts! I will be on vacation for almost 4 weeks... then my parental leave kicks in. YAHOO! Off until Feb. 26! What will I do? So excited about this, you really haven't any idea!This weekend I am locking myself in our spare room, starting to pack and get organized! I am really looking forward to doing all Lauryn's laundry... I wonder if I will feel the same in a year or two! LOL!There you have it folks... all for now.Keep happy!xo


Krista said...

I can sense your excitement - and Kyle - way to go!

Catherine said...

You're getting so close and preparing is lots of fun!

I have a number of 'Canada' souvenirs you're welcome to take with you to hand out if you wish. We gave out a lot to kids and they loved receiving them. If you want them, please let me know and we'll arrange for either me to drop them off at your place or you can pick them up from mine. Please let me know.

just think...when you wake up tomorrow you'll be able to say that Lauryn will be in your arms THIS MONTH!!!!

Norma Minor said...

Lisa and Kyle, I am so happy for both of you and just to be a tad greedy, for all of us. I can't wait to see you and Kyle and Mommy and Daddy....the excitement is building...I will be peeling your mom and dad off the celing far they are half way up the wall. I will do my best to keep mom calm and in one piece while you are in will be on his
Hang in there, 17 more bedtimes...see you at the Jack and Jill next weekend. Love you xo