Friday, November 14, 2008

Hurry up and wait! Santa's coming!

So, the wait is starting to drive me crazy... again! Therefore, there really isn't anything new to report. I have been on this computer NONE stop... I think that's why the long wait is getting to me again. I've read so many things about the wait and what to do while you wait. I guess I am just researched out. Somethings are wonderful to read and watch. Things like when the family gets their baby, and travel announcements! Then there are the complaints about the wait, the speculations. Things like that.

Christmas shopping is a wonderful distraction! I love Christmas. Need less to say, Christmas shopping is almost done! LOL!

I have also found some wonderful websites that have some great Chinese merchandise. I decided to do some Christmas shopping for baby Lauryn. Not gifts for her (although we've done that too!) but gifts from her. It has been so much fun. I just can't wait until she's home and she can give her Nana & Grandpa, Great-Grandma and Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, Daddy etc. their gifts with a hug and kiss!

We are waiting anxiously for you baby Lauryn where ever you are... you have a very excited Mommy and Daddy waiting your arrival.

I wish all the families waiting for their babies a wait that is filled with happy memories that they can pass on to their children.

To end this post... if anyone has any idea's about how to deal with the wait, please pass them on! Like I said Christmas shopping is almost done!


Anonymous said...

I had a post a while back about waiting and how to deal - because as you know - it isn't easy. Check it out

I too love Christmas - and have much of my shopping done - and gifts made. Try browsing - you will find lots of gift ideas for Lauryn and others :) Enjoy!