Tuesday, June 1, 2010

all is well in China...

Just had a quick note from the Thomson family to let us all know that everything is great and they can't wait to be home. The past couple of days have been very busy doing 'touristy' things with the other families. By the time they get back to the hotel, the business centre is closed so they have been unable to email and update us in detail.
Looking forward to their arrival on Thursday - Air Canada / Terminal 1 at 6:45pm.
Signed, a very proud, excited, anxious Nana!


Jenn MG said...

Lisa Drysdale Thomson, Mom of Lauryn,
I am so proud of you for going on such a journey to find your daughter, to take her out, to learn to deal with a toddler while touristing, and to just go with the flow. Congratulations new parents, welcome to the newest love of your lives, and watch out Kyle, chinks in your armour will appear without warning and leave you weaker, yet stronger. Lisa, motherhood will teach you love like you have never loved (as you know right now), patience that you never had, and devotion...that surpasses Romeo and Juliet in a New York minute. I am just so happy for you words cannot express, and happy for Lauryn for getting such wonderful parents.
Can't wait to see more pictures..
Love you

Catherine said...

Welcome home!!! Your wonderful journey continues and oh how amazing it will be!

I was at Walmart today and thinking of you and when we met there 6 short months ago. At the time your wait for Lauren was years away and yet tonight you amazing daughter sleeps (or plays!) under your roof!!! How amazing!!

How fun will it be if sometime you're wandering around Walmart and Hannah and I spot you??

Welcome home!